Web Analytics

What you can’t measure, you can’t improve. Web analytics is essential for any online business that cares about its performance. There are several categories to consider for web analytic purposes:

Clickstream data
Heat mapping
Multi-Variant and A/B Split Testing
Competitive Intelligence
Voice of Customer – Surveys
Call Tracking

Most people are easily confused when attempting to Sort through the data of their web analytic interface. Even more difficult is when other streams of data are added, such as social media channels like Twitter or complicated email campaigns. Here at D1MA, we are experts at turning data into pragmatic business decisions. Our reporting system helps you see the big picture, and offers clear definitions as how best to move forward with your campaigns.

By working closely with you and your business, we first identify the overall goals of your advertising objective. We then show you how we will track its progress, and calibrate various factors on your website to meet the needs of your campaign. We implement split testing, and put together a reporting system that gives you the information you want to know and can use for the success of your website.

All of our analytic experts hold certifications in Google Analytics and stay up to speed with the latest developments and techniques in the industry. Regular attendance of important conferences and subscriptions to industry news sites helps us keep the edge on our competition.

To learn more about how we can help with your web analytic needs, contact us today.